
Paperback Books

Stop Bedwetting - hypnosis audio and online programmes

Stop Bedwetting in 7 Days

My Dry Bed


Guided Meditations and Hypnotherapy audios for Kids

Guided Meditations and Hypnotherapy audios

for Teens & Grown-ups

Work with me

Work with Alicia Eaton


These can be face-to-face in Harley Street or online video calls on Zoom - distance is no longer a problem and out-of-hours appointments are also available.

Monthly Coaching

These sessions are online via Zoom, but you can add an extra face-to-face consultation in London too. You’ll have extra help, regular feedback and up to two calls a week.

Bespoke Support

This service will be tailored to your family’s needs and a bespoke package will be created to suit you.

Children’s mental health challenges can be difficult for parents too.

Additional support from Alicia for yourself, can make all the difference.